Little kids can often chew the parts of plants so we should keep an eye on them. Because plants can be poisonous. Don't eat or let your kid any plant or part of plant that is poisonous
Some common plants that are poisonous
1- Milkweed (Asclepius)
The latex (the milky fluid produced by the plant's cell)is the poisonous.
Swallowing the latex can cause intense burning of mucous membrane.
if exposed to the eyes it can result in sever inflammation of cornea.
2-Day Jessamine(Cestrum diurnum)
The fruit and the sap are poisonous parts.
Eating the fruit can cause upset stomach
3-Crown of Thorns(Euphorbia milii)
All parts of this plants contains a milky juice that is poisonous
It can cause severe skin irritation. Also irritation of mouth,
stomach and diarrhea.
4-Ribbon Cactus(Euphorbia tithymaloides)
The latex is the poisonous part.It can cause upset stomach if
5-Milky Bush, Indian Tree Spurge,
Pencil Cactus(Euphorbia tirucalli)
The latex is the poisonous part. It cause skin irritation .
Swallowing can cause upset stomach, and inflammation of
the eye can also develop
6-Morning glory(Ipomoea)
The seeds are poisonous, especially if eaten in large
quantity. It can cause nausea, loss of appetite,
abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and frequent urination.
7-Jasmine(Jasmine azoricum)
The flower is the poisonous part . It can create dizziness,
disturbed vision and dry mouth with difficulty in
swallowing and loss of voice.
8-Oleander(Nerium oleander)
All parts of the plants are poisonous. Chewing on the
plant can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach.
It may cause vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea,
headache, muscular weakness, breathing difficulty,
abnormal heart beat. It can begin after several hours of
9-Lantana (Lantana Camara)
The leaves and fruits are poisonous, the green berry
is the most toxic. Its really poisonous because death may
sometimes occur after swallowing it, it may cause vomiting,
nausea, stomach pain, diarreah, headache, muscular weakness,
painfully reaction to light . Respiration can be slow or deep.
10-Yellow Oleander(Thevetia nerifolia juss)
All parts of plants are poisonous especially the seeds.
It can cause pain in mouth, vomiting, abdominal pain,
cramping and diarrhea . death can occur.