Friday, 31 August 2012

Potato and cheese soup


Onion ChopedOne cup
WaterHalf Cup
MilkTwo Cups
SaltTo Taste
FlourOne Tbsp
Black PepperOne Tbsp
CheeseOne Cup
Coriander leaves1/4 cup

Serves: 4


Peel the potatoes and onions, cut them and boil them. After that mash them .Take half cup of milk add the flour in it, mix well.Now pour the remaining milk and water in the mashed potato and onions.Now cook this mixture in a pan. When it starts boiling add the cheese and flour mixture in it.Now add black pepper and salt in it. Let it cook for ten to fifteen minutes. Add the coriander leaves at the end

Hot and sour soup


chicken boneless(very small pieces)1cup
chicken stock3cups
Green Onion chopped1cup
Cabbage chopped1cup
Soya Sauce3Tbsp
White flour1Tsp
Corn flour2Tbsp
Carrot chopped2
Bell pepper chopped2
White Pepper1/2Tsp
Black Pepper1/2Tsp
Chili Sauce1Tsp
SaltTo taste

Serves: 4


Take a big pan and pour the stock in it, add soya sauce, vinegar, white flour,chili sauce, salt, sugar, white pepper and all vegetables, let it cook on low flame.When it boils, add the chicken in it and cook it for 5 minutes more.Now mix the corn flour in 1/4 cup of water in a separate cup.And pour it in the above mixture, while stirring the mixture well with a wooden spoon. When you feel that the texture of the soup is becoming thick add the well whipped egg gradually while stirring the mixture well.
It will create thread like texture in soup. At the end add the onions and serve.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Chicken corn soup


chicken boneless boiled 1kg(cut them in very small pieces)
White pepper 1Tsp
Black pepper 1Tsp
Corn flour 3Tbsp
Sweet Corns 1cup
White flour 1Tsp
chicken stock 3Cups
sugar 1Tsp
Eggs 2

Serves: 4


Take a big pan and let the stock and the sweet corn be cooked for  while.when it starts boiling add chicken ,white pepper ,white flour,black pepper and sugar in it.Now stir it gradually until the mixture becomes uniform.
Now mix the corn flour in water well, in a cup. Add in the above mixture.Stir it continuously.Whip the eggs in a separate bowl.Turn off the flame.And add the whipped eggs  gradually in the boiling mixture with constant stirring. That will form a white thread texture in the soup. keep the flame low while adding the eggs.Serve now.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Nail Art

Nail art is becoming popular with each day in the whole world.It is an activity that involves the fun and creativity.Different types of shapes can be created on the nails by different tricks.
The nails should be shaped and long for this art.Colour of nail polishes can be used according to your dress colour scheme.
Shading effect can be given  by using the light and dark shades of same colour. Glitter are used to give an awesome effect.Use of beads beautify the nails. The fashion is becoming popular in young girls especially.
Rainbow colour can be painted on the nails by a
special technique in which three or four colours are poured in cold water one by one and this process continues till the thick texture develops, after that we take a tooth pick, make some design on the thick solution. Apply it on the nails one by one and then let it dry. Wonderful designs can be made on the nails by using differnt colours and techniques.

Choose your doctor carefully

Before consulting a doctor, make it sure that your or your family member's health is safe in his hands. As much as the medical science is progressing , people are getting much conscious about their health.But it is worrisome that in the world the incidences by medical negligence are increasing. 
In our country there are many people who are complaining about their or their relatives weaken health due to the negligence of doctors.Recently in Punjab institute of cardiology millions of patients died due to wrong medicines. Sometimes the carelessness of the doctors become mortal.
Patient can suffer if the right ailment is not diagnosed and treated in time.Especially in case of cancer, hepatitis and heart diseases, if the sickness is not diagnosed in time. It can make the situation worse.Its unfortunate that many patients came to know about their sickness very late and the doctors let them know that they have very less days of life left.
Unluckily we have very less trained medical staff as compared to the patients in our country.As a result a doctor has to cure many patients. The situation is almost same in clinics and hospitals.That's how the chances of mistake by the medical staff increases.
According to the experts, people must be very careful about choosing the right doctor. Before consulting a doctor, consider the following points and then decide that whether to go to him or not.

1-Does the doctor have the right degree? 

You must know that the doctor to which you are going has the degree or he is a quack.People must beware of this fact that the quackery in our country is increasing with each day.You have the complete right to know his registration number.In our country most people are illiterate and do not pay attention to doctor's qualification and then regret afterwards.

2-Doctor's experience

There is no doubt  that the experienced doctor is more reliable then an inexperienced. At second step we must know that whether the doctor is experienced or not.Experienced and specialised doctor can save their patients from complications.

 3-Communication with the doctor

 Doctors and patients must coordinate with each other and patient should trust his doctor.The devoted and sincere doctors must ask the family history of the patient, diet habits, daily routine and many other questions to diagnose the ailment in a better way.Doctor should not hide any fact about you about your sickness. And if he is unable to diagnose the ailment , he must admit it and recommend another doctor.Often the ladies prefer lady doctor to consult for their problems because the females feel it more comfortable to discuss their problems with a lady doctor.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Poisonous parts of plants

Little kids can often chew the parts of plants so we should keep an eye on them. Because plants can be poisonous. Don't eat or let your kid any plant or part of plant that is poisonous

Some common plants that are poisonous

1- Milkweed (Asclepius)

The latex (the milky fluid produced by the plant's cell)is the poisonous.
Swallowing the latex can cause intense burning of mucous membrane.
if exposed to the eyes it can result in sever inflammation of cornea.

2-Day Jessamine(Cestrum diurnum)

The fruit and the sap are poisonous parts.
Eating the fruit can cause upset stomach

3-Crown of Thorns(Euphorbia milii)

All parts of this plants contains a milky juice that is poisonous
It can cause severe skin irritation. Also irritation of mouth,
stomach and diarrhea.

4-Ribbon Cactus(Euphorbia tithymaloides)

The latex is the poisonous part.It can cause upset stomach if

5-Milky Bush, Indian Tree Spurge, 

Pencil Cactus(Euphorbia tirucalli)

The latex is the poisonous part. It cause skin irritation .
Swallowing can cause upset stomach, and inflammation of
the eye can also develop

6-Morning glory(Ipomoea)

The seeds are poisonous, especially if eaten in large
quantity. It can cause nausea, loss of appetite,
abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and frequent urination.

7-Jasmine(Jasmine azoricum)

The flower is the poisonous part . It can create dizziness,
disturbed vision and dry mouth with difficulty in
swallowing and loss of voice.

8-Oleander(Nerium oleander)

All parts of the plants are poisonous. Chewing on the
plant can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach.
It may cause vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea,
headache, muscular weakness, breathing difficulty,
abnormal heart beat. It can begin after several hours of

9-Lantana  (Lantana Camara)

The leaves and fruits are poisonous, the green berry
is the most toxic. Its really poisonous because death may
sometimes occur after swallowing it,  it may cause vomiting,
 nausea, stomach pain, diarreah, headache, muscular weakness,
painfully reaction to light . Respiration can be slow or deep.

10-Yellow Oleander(Thevetia nerifolia juss)

All parts of plants are poisonous especially the seeds.
It can cause pain in mouth, vomiting, abdominal pain,
cramping and diarrhea . death can occur.

Take care of your feet

We must never ignore our feet, when taking care of our beauty and hygiene. Some times the skin of feet becomes hard and they look rough. Use foot moisturiser after cleaning your feet. Absorb it well with massage. After that wear socks.

Soup and water are the causes of dryness of your feet. You can make a moisturiser at home to make your feet soft and smooth.                                                         
Ingredients of this moisturiser are as follows
1-Alum- 2 pinches
2-Glycerin-4 tbsp 
3-Lemon Juice-3tbsp

Make a mixture of the above ingredients and apply them three times a day.Massage well to absorb it in the skin.

Before sleeping take three to four glasses of warm water add one tea spoon of salt , one tea spoon of mustard oil in it. Mix it well and dip your feet in it for ten minutes. Now dry them with a towel and apply the glycerin mixture explained above.

Use the foot scrubber after taking shower.
To  get rid of foot odour use talcum powder before wearing socks , or you can use deodorants as well.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Find the things in your kitchen to enhance your beauty

Instead of buying the expensive skin care products, we can find a lot of things from our kitchen for this purpose and can get an awesome result. Like egg, used tea leaves, salt, honey , papaya can be very useful for skin and hair.

You can get make your skin glow with the help of an egg. Take a raw egg. Whip it well. Now apply it on your face and neck.Now relax for twenty minutes.Then wash off with cold water. The egg relaxes your skin and refreshes it after tiring efforts of whole day.
Egg white can be very useful if you apply it on your hair before half and hour of shampooing.

Used Tea leaves
If your eyes are tired and swelled due to spending many hours infront of t.v or laptop, used cold black tea can refreshes your skin. Take some cotton balls and dip them in it. Place them on your eyes for  ten minutes and relax.
Take the left over black tea.Make sure your have stained it. Add some water . Keep boling it for ten to fifteen minutes.Now let it cool. After shampooing your hair, Wash your hair with it.This process can increase the shine of your hair.
Add a little amount of salt in warm water. Washing your eyes with it can reduce the swelling.
Add 3 Tbsp of salt in warm water, dip your feet in it.It can relax you after a hardworking day.

Castor oil
If you massage your hair with castor oil, it would increase the growth and shine of your hair. After massaging the oil tie a damp towel around your hair. By doing this the roots of the hair can absorb the oil very well.


Honey is very useful for skin. Massage it on your face to get a soft and smooth look

It contains enzymes that soften and remove the dead cells of the skin. Applying the paste of papaya on your skin can enhance the natural glow of skin.

Pets and your kids

Pets are a loving addition to our home, many people like to have a pet with them. Pets are like friends and brings joy and comfort.They give a sense of responsibility. But some times the children can tease or can be rough with the pets .Animals can react in a weird way ,they can become aggressive and harm your kids. They can bite and scratch to show their anger.To avoid such situation, we should teach our children the ways to handle them.Here are some points to consider

  • Treat the child to respect the animal and don't annoy it. Treat it gently.
  • Never let the child be alone with the pet because animals can be unpredictable.
  • Never let a pet come near a toddler or a very young child.
  • Don't let your kid to cuddle the pet too tight.
  • Let the child know the sensitive areas of the animals.
  • If the animal is sick, don't let the child to come near.
  • Don't surprise the pet.
  • Always give love and affection to the animal because they response to it.
  •  Never hit the pet.
  • Don't interrupt the pet while eating, sleeping or playing with its young.
  • Always wash your hands with soap after handling your pets.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Exercise is full of benefits

Daily exercise stops and helps to cure different diseases. To live a healthy life, nobody can ignore the importance of exercise. In past decades people were fit without exercises because their life style was active but now a days the advanced technology has reduced our physical activity. Thus due to wrong life style human being has invited a lot of diseases himself.
The exercise is very important for our health. It has a lot of benefits.The major benefit of exercise is the secretion of such hormones in body that relax the person.And to live a happy and healthy life ,everyone must include it in ones routine.
Exercise and heart 
Exercise is a blessing for people who are suffering from high blood pressure and narrow heart arteries. They can adopt exercise for a healthy life style.The performance of heart is improved and the cardiovascular system becomes more efficient.The blood flow becomes normal.Exercise effects those factors of body that control the heart rate.Due to exercise the waste products are excreted off the body.

Exercise and obesity
Obesity is the root of many diseases. You can get rid of it, by regular exercise and by controlling your diet.It reduces the unwanted fat and burns the calories.You can be in shape by adding the exercise in your daily routine.
Exercise and diabetes
In diabetes the body is either unable to metabolise the glucose in blood or its ability to do so, reduces.
As a result the glucose level in blood  increases. Exercise is beneficial for the patients of diabetes. Because while exercising the muscles of the body needs more oxygen and it increases the body's ability to use glucose from blood and that's how the level of glucose becomes normal in blood.
 Bones, Joints and exercise
Bones, joints and muscles becomes weak with age and now a days diseases related to bones like osteoporosis have increased.With the help of exercise, women can save themselves from these diseases and also can bulit their muscles.

Taking Care of Hands

Your hands need as much as attention as your face needs. Dry and hard hands does not look nice . For elegant hands you must give some time to your hands care.Here are some tips to soften your hands

1-To soften the rough skin of your hands, take two cups of warm milk in container, add one teaspoon of salt in it.Stir it.Massage it well for fifteen minutes and then wash your hands.

2-Make a hand lotion at home and save your money. Take two cups of rose water and one cup of glycerin.Make a mixture, pour it in a bottle
and refrigerate it .It is a wonderful hand moisturiser, apply it two times a day especially before sleeping.

3-Take half cup orange juice and one tea spoon of honey . Massage it till ten minutes on your hands.

4- Mash a banana, add one teaspoon of honey, juice of one lemon and one tea spoon of butter. Whip it well and apply it on hands , wash off after
two hours.

5-Take one and half cup of yogurt and one lemon juice, whip it. Massage it for fifteen minutes.

6-Take an egg,two tea spoon almond oil  and one tea spoon rose water. Whip them well and at the end add Tincture of benzene drop by drop(2 or 3 drops).Massage it on your hands.Wash after two hours.

7- Use gram flour for washing hands. Make a paste of gram flour with water and then wash your hands with it.

8-Take a tomato pulp and massage your hands with it, wash off after half an hour.

9-Use olive oil before going to bed.

10-Try to avoid the direct contact of your hands with detergent.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Summer Make-up

In the summer season, light make up is recommended. Heavy make up and dark colours look odd in the hot weather, on the other hand light make up gives soft and natural look.
Cleaning your face with a cleanser is the first step of the make up.It cleans the dirt particles from the skin. That helps to give you a smooth look.

Applying foundation is the next step  but in hot weather it is suggested to skip this because it looks too heavy and it can melt off easily.Use a moisturiser with SPF 15 or higher on your skin.It helps your make up to stay for long in summer. And if you have some blemishes, redness, black spots, scars , pimples  on your face you can use concealer to hide them. When wearing Blush , try to use pink or bronze shades for a soft look.

While choosing the eye shadows for the summer , prefer light eye shadows or you can use the blush in replacement of an eye shadow. It can give an elegant look. Eye liner is an important part of make up. Black eye liner is always in fashion.But brown eye liner  also looks nice and can give your eyes a gorgeous look.
Eye liner can also be applied only on outer corners of your eyes.
After applying eye liner curl your lashes with a eye lash curler and then apply mascara. Brown mascara can also be applied in summer make up.
Pink or nude shades of lipsticks are preferred in natural make up. But if you use only a lip gloss in combination with a lip liner, it can also look awesome.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Kids Eating Problems

It is often seen that the kids, mostly the kids of preschool age do not show interest towards their regular meals and milk. Mother seems worried about their kids eating habits. Doctors usually recommends that if the kid is healthy and energetic although he is not taking enough meal then there is nothing to worry about. Its a common phenomenon.
Here are some tips suggested by the experts to avoid meal time problems.
  • Allow the kid eat while all the family members are eating
  • Do not provide him junk food before the meal time.
  • Do not ask the child finish his food fast. 
  • Make the environment easy while eating.
  • The presentation of food should be attractive like add some ketchup, jams or chutney to give a colourful appearance to the food.
  • Show him the colours of vegetables in the food and ask him to feel the aroma
  • Try to give the child to eat, whatever is cooked for the entire family
  •  Use colourful crockery for the kid or use some plates with cartoons and colour ful shapes on them
  • Prepare many different dishes or drinks in which the milk is the major ingredient. Like custard, yogurt, fruit shakes and puddings
  • Tell him that the food will provide energy and help him to grow.
  • Make a schedule of eating and stick to it.
  • Encourage him to serve himself.
  •  Involve him in purchasing the ingredients and preparing the dish.
  • Teach him to use the right way of using the cutlery and ask him to clean the table after finishing.
  • Praise the child when he finishes his food.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Having Sleepless Nights, Causes and Remedies

After a hardworking day, every one wants a sound sleep to be fresh and ready for the other day. During sleep we forget worries and problems of our life.If you feel that your daily routine is changing, you cannot concentrate on your work, your head is heavy, cant take interest, getting aggressive on common things then its possible you are not having sound sleep at night, feeling groggy and suffering from insomnia.You can behave like a bear with a sore head and it cannot be cured without knowing the reasons.
Thirty percent of people in the world, have this problem. Due to this your  daily, family and official life can be effected.It can increase the risks of accidents, especially for the young drivers.

 Some possible reasons are given below , you can overcome the sickness by analysing yourself
  • Tensions and the ups and downs are the part of life. These are not the reason to have a sleepless night but the reason is, if  you think about these in a negative way.
  • In bulky persons there are sometimes breathing problems, that can lead to insomnia.
  • Jet lag is another reason which is caused after travelling from a far off country.The body timings does not match the time zone but in this case the body adjusts soon itself
  • Pain in legs can be a reason
  • High blood pressure can also be a reason
  • Change of bed and pillow
  • Noise or light at your sleeping place
  • Waking up all the night and sleep in the morning
  • Listening music or reading novels or taking coffee or tea before sleeping
If you want to consult a doctor then  before going to him, maintain a diary with the following points
  1. Timings to go to bed
  2. For how much long you try to sleep after going to bed?
  3. How much long it takes you to sleep?
  4. After waking up in morning, for how much time you stay on bed?
  5. How much time you sleep in day?
  6. How much you use coffee and cigarettes
  7. Reasons of tension
  8. How much times  you wake up in whole night?
  9. When you wake up in morning?
Some suggestion to have a sound and peaceful sleep

  1. Leave  cigarettes
  2. Make your thinking positive towards life
  3. Peaceful environment
  4. Comfortable bed and clean room
  5.  Relax your muscles
  6. Ask yourself to finish the tension
  7. Then instruct yourself that i am relaxed and i want to sleep
  8. Keep yourself busy in the whole day to get tired
  9. Drink warm milk before going to bed
  10. Do not use sleeping pills

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Your kids are heading back to school.Help your kids lighten their load

Its the end of summer vacation.Now the time of year has come when children and teens are getting ready to go back to school after enjoying their three summer vacations of three months. Its a little bit sad but more excited because a new term is has started , there will be new books, new activities and new things to learn and experience.
As a parent you want to make sure that your kid should not become mentally overloaded with all and doesn't become over scheduled.A child shouldn't be pushed to do more then they are happy and capable. Here are some tips given to lighten the load of your kids

        Time should be planned
  • Make a schedule for all regular activities so that your kids do not get overwhelmed.
  • Highlight the number of hours that the kid is engaged in certain activity
  • If a child is giving an excessive amount of time to a certain activity like tennis is taking 90 minutes of a weekday and you want your kid to spend some time in karate, swimming or language lesson , then the time swallowed by the tennis game can be shortened to find to time for another activity
  • Plan some time for relax and recharge
  • Monitor your kids sleep and dietary patterns.

Communication with the kid is very important

  • Discuss your child's preference with them. The process can help them think about what they like and what seems interesting to them.
  • Build child's sense of responsibility.
  • Celebrate the child's success.
  • Appreciate them.

Lighten the School bags

A piece of luggage that your child have to carry all around can create back, neck and muscle strain or even injury if worn incorrectly or weighing too much. You should help your child to lighten the load. Simply taking out an apple, a story book and a hair brush can reduce a half of a kilo.
Many kids do not check , what they need to have in their bags and what they do not need to have in their bag according to their schedule.They often carry extra books and notebooks with them.It is suggested that child leave their heavy books in the lockers at school or get them a rolling backpack or a luggage cart which will be a great ease for them.
  • The backpack should have adjustable, padding shoulder straps and multiple compartments of weight distribution. The padded shoulders prevent straps digging into the shoulder.
  • Use both shoulder straps to make sure these straps are not tighten to the body.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Types of Mehndi and elegant Mehndi Designs for Eid

Mehndi or Henna is one of the important tradition of Eid. For girls this occasion is supposed to be incomplete without applying mehndi on their hands and feet.Its an ancient and very popular tradition.

Applying mehndi has become an art. Mehndi designs can be made more attractive by decorating them with glitter and beads of different colours.Booklets for different designs can be purchased from any book store or mehndi stalls.

Three types of mehndi cones are available in market
1-Black Mehndi
It is used to give outline of the designs or fill in the petals of flowers or leaves of the design.
Totally depends on your choice. It is mostly used in Arabic designs to fill in the petals and leaves.

2-Classic Mehndi
Classic Mehndi is used most commonly to make the designs on hands and feet.It gives brown pattern.

3-Red Mehndi
Red Mehndi in cones is available in form of attar. it can be applied to nails to turn them red.Red mehndi looks fabulous when applied in the petals of flower in mehndi designs. Red shade also gives a wonderful effect in the middle of flower.

Glitter is highly in demand now a days. We can decorate our designs with the help of glitter.
It is available in many colours. you can apply the colour according to your dress. It gives very elegant effect.

Tips for getting fast colour of mehndi

  • When mehndi is dried apply mustard oil with the help of cotton buds.
  • Apply lemon juice or sugar syrup after mehndi is dried.
  • Before applying the mehndi, make it sure that your hands are properly cleansed and you must have some tissue paper near you. 
  • Leave over night or at least for six to eight hours.

Some of my favourite mehndi designs for the day of eid:

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Best Places For Eid Shopping In Lahore

When it comes to Eid shopping, there are a lot of shopping malls and markets in Lahore. Markets are full of new variety near Eid days. Shopping becomes a family fun in this rainy season. Women wants to buy eye catching outfits, comfortable shoes, dazzling jewellery,trendy cosmetics and many other accessories of their choices not only for themselves but also for their family and friends.

Best of those markets are
  • Liberty Market
  • Anarkali Bazar
  • Ichra Bazar
  • Moon Market
  • Shadman Market
  • Orega
  • Johar Town Market
  • Y-Block DHA Market
  • Model Town Link Road Market 
  • Barkat Market
  • Fortress Stadium
Top Shopping malls
  • Pace
  • City Tower
  • Siddique Trade Centre
  • Hyper Star
  • Metro 
Food outlets are also here to satisfy the hunger pangs during the shop to shop visits.Burgers, Pizza, French Fries, Sweet corns, Ice creams  increases the appetite of kids as well as of the elders.

Due to a lot of rush it becomes difficult to find a parking sometimes.In addition to it the huge number of beggars make the situation more messy.