Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Your kids are heading back to school.Help your kids lighten their load

Its the end of summer vacation.Now the time of year has come when children and teens are getting ready to go back to school after enjoying their three summer vacations of three months. Its a little bit sad but more excited because a new term is has started , there will be new books, new activities and new things to learn and experience.
As a parent you want to make sure that your kid should not become mentally overloaded with all and doesn't become over scheduled.A child shouldn't be pushed to do more then they are happy and capable. Here are some tips given to lighten the load of your kids

        Time should be planned
  • Make a schedule for all regular activities so that your kids do not get overwhelmed.
  • Highlight the number of hours that the kid is engaged in certain activity
  • If a child is giving an excessive amount of time to a certain activity like tennis is taking 90 minutes of a weekday and you want your kid to spend some time in karate, swimming or language lesson , then the time swallowed by the tennis game can be shortened to find to time for another activity
  • Plan some time for relax and recharge
  • Monitor your kids sleep and dietary patterns.

Communication with the kid is very important

  • Discuss your child's preference with them. The process can help them think about what they like and what seems interesting to them.
  • Build child's sense of responsibility.
  • Celebrate the child's success.
  • Appreciate them.

Lighten the School bags

A piece of luggage that your child have to carry all around can create back, neck and muscle strain or even injury if worn incorrectly or weighing too much. You should help your child to lighten the load. Simply taking out an apple, a story book and a hair brush can reduce a half of a kilo.
Many kids do not check , what they need to have in their bags and what they do not need to have in their bag according to their schedule.They often carry extra books and notebooks with them.It is suggested that child leave their heavy books in the lockers at school or get them a rolling backpack or a luggage cart which will be a great ease for them.
  • The backpack should have adjustable, padding shoulder straps and multiple compartments of weight distribution. The padded shoulders prevent straps digging into the shoulder.
  • Use both shoulder straps to make sure these straps are not tighten to the body.

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